On Demand Webinar

Using Pyrolysis-GC/MS in 3D Printing, Smart Coatings, and Nanomaterials

The formulation details of the polymer parts are often not known to the manufacturer or other steps in the supply chain. The same part number in the supply chain can result in a polymer part that is not made with the same formulation, yet the apparent polymer properties seem to be equivalent. Pyrolysis performed correctly is a valuable and easy to use sample introduction technique for GC and GC/MS. It allows the user to characterize any solid or viscous organic materials that otherwise could not be analyzed by GC. Using this technique, there is no need for any sample preparation or solvent extraction as the lighter compounds and volatiles are thermally extracted from the heavier/polymeric mixture.

The applications include reverse engineering, material proper validation, coating compositions, and nanomaterial characterizations in 3D printing, paint & coating, rubbers, and plastics.

Key webinar take-aways:

  • Learn how Pyrolysis GC/MS technique using the Multi-Mode Pyrolyzer can be used for performing reverse engineering, material characterization, failure analysis for supply chain, and comparative
  • Learn the material property validation and the coating compositions using Evolved Gas Analysis and Heart-Cutting-MS techniques
  • Discover capabilities of the Multi-Mode Pyrolyzer and its modes of operations for varies applications in paints & coatings, 3D printing, rubbers, plastics, and nano-materials.
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This Webinar is Presented By:

Terry Ramus, PhD


Diablo Analytical

Over the last 35 years, Dr. Terry Ramus has done research in gas phase analytical techniques with an emphasis on applications of Mass Spectrometry and GC/MS for the industrial and engineering sectors. Application areas include process measurements for Engineering experiments such as catalysis, reactor performance, yield optimization, and scale-up. Experiments include alternative energy, syngas, and pyrolysis. These experiments include hardware and software for analytical systems, including mass spectrometry, chromatography, and other spectroscopic and discrete analytical techniques. For over 20 years now, research has emphasized the characterization of process gases in Real-time with Real-time Mass Spectrometry (RTGA-MS). Other efforts are centered on Pyrolysis-GC/MS for polymer and material characterization characterization and deformulation. During these years, Dr. Ramus has worked as a Principal with Diablo Analytical, Inc. from his laboratory in California. Dr. Ramus received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Oregon State University in 1985.
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Using Pyrolysis-GC/MS in 3D Printing, Smart Coatings, and Nanomaterials

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