
On Demand Webinar

pfas in air gc based techniques
Learn how GC-based techniques widely used in VOC monitoring can be easily applied to PFAS analysis.


bruker d6 phaser xrd benchtop
Introducing the new Bruker D6 PHASER XRD Benchtop X-Ray Diffraction Platform for Materials Analysis and Advanced Research

PDF: eBook

markes centri applications ebook
This eBook is an compendium of the applications demonstration the capabilities of the Centri sample extraction and enrichment platform.

PDF: eBook

micro-furnace pyrolysis used in microplastics analysis
eBook features a compendium of application and technical notes demonstrating microplastics analysis using micro-furnace pyrolyzers.


Innovative GC add-on delivers unrivaled accuracy and reliability while reducing replacement costs and minimizing maintenance downtime.

PDF: White Paper

indoor air quality
This white paper introduces a novel analytical system configuration with simple and easy-to-follow workflows.


microplastics analysis using pyrolysis
During this short explainer video, we describe the importance of microplastics analysis and how scientists use vertical-furnace pyrolysis-GC/MS to identify and quantify unknown microplastic polymers.

On Demand Webinar

microplastics in air balloons
Microplastics in air samples are identified and quantified using the powerful Pyrolysis-GC/MS technique, featuring a multi-mode, micro-furnace pyrolyzer and a powerful microplastic software engine.


F-Search MPs 2.1 software allows users to easily identify and quantify unknown microplastics in the environment.

On Demand Webinar

red powder sample grinding cryogenic mill
Looking for an easier and faster way to grind your samples? Get to know the Frontier Cryogenic Mill IQ Cryo Mill-2070 in this short 6-minute webinar.


frontier pyrolyzer accessories
Explore Frontier Pyrolyzer accessories and how they can enhance the capabilities of the Multi-Functional Pyrolysis Solution.

On Demand Webinar

Infrared and Raman spectroscopy are ideal tools for verifying product quality, identifying unknown contaminants, and reverse engineering competitive products.
Quantum Analytics Logo


D2 PHASER Benchtop XRD Introduction

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