
What is the Jetanizer?

What is the Jetanizer?

The Jetanizer is the easiest and most robust methanizer. A methanizer is a chemical reactor that converts carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to methane to enable sensitive detection by a flame ionization detector (FID) from less than 20 ppb to 100%!


Why is it important?

Low level detection of CO and CO2 is important in catalysis, hydrogen (H2) purity analysis, dissolved gas analysis (DGA) and transformer oil gas analysis (TOGA), ethylene/propylene monomers, safe entry analysis, and more. Traditionally, large nickel-catalyst-filled tube methanizers are used, however, they are prone to frequent failures, and they are difficult and time consuming to operate and maintain. ARC’s Jetanizer solves these challenges by improving response, robustness and ease of installation, by incorporating state-of-the-art catalysts into an FID jet. Moreover, the Jetanizer enables low level <1 ppm formaldehyde analysis by GC avoiding the pitfalls of HPLC analysis of formaldehyde.

Available on Agilent 7890, Agilent 8890, Agilent Intuvo 9000, as well as legacy models (5890, 6890).


How does the installation time compare with traditional methanizers?

Legacy nickel catalyst methanizers can take 2 to 6 hours to install and replace. Jetanizers take less than 5 minutes.


What benefits does Jetanizer offer over traditional methanizers?

  • Lower up-front cost
  • No extra plumbing: minimize fittings and leaks
  • No extra heater or controller: utilizes heat from FID
  • FAST installation: in as little as 60 seconds or less
  • Higher sulfur tolerance
  • Higher catalytic activity = larger linear dynamic range
  • Free up space on the GC
  • No toxic metals: The Jetanizer™ does not contain nickel catalysts


Does the Jetanizer offer simpler analysis of CO and CO2?

The Jetanizer allows you to maintain your chromatography while achieving simpler analysis. This chromatogram shows CO2 conversion to methane from 1 ppm to 100% concentrations.



The Jetanizer’s higher catalytic activity, as compared to nickel catalysts, allows for a larger linear dynamic range.

Here, a linear dynamic response to CO2 is depicted, from ppm to 100% concentrations.


Linear CO2 Response


What industries can benefit from using the Jetanizer?

  • Chemicals
  • Paints and Coatings
  • Flavor and Fragrance
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Oil and Gas
  • Biofuels
  • More!


What different models of Jetanizers are there?

A Jetanizer should be chosen that is compatible with your GC make and model and FID type. We offer four types of Jetanizers on our online store:


Jetanizer™ for Agilent 8890 and Intuvo Instruments
Jetanizer™ for Agilent 8890 and Intuvo Instruments, 1 each.

Jetanizer™ for Agilent 8890 and Intuvo (JT-INT-PK1) is designed for Agilent 8890 or Intuvo GC models.


Jetanizer Adaptable, Packed
Jetanizer™ Adaptable, Packed, 63.5 mm, 1 each. (For Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs)

Jetanizer™ Adaptable, Packed, 63.5 mm (JT-ADP-PK1) is designed for Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs.


Jetanizer™ Adaptable, Capillary, 61.5 mm, 1 each. (For Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs)
Jetanizer™ Adaptable, Capillary, 61.5 mm, 1 each. (For Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs)

Jetanizer™ Adaptable, Capillary, 61.5 mm (JT-ADC-PK1) is designed for Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs.


Capillary-Optimized Jetanizer, 43 mm, 1 each. (For Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs)
Jetanizer – Capillary-Optimized, 43 mm, 1 each. (For Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs)

Jetanizer™ Capillary-Optimized, 43 mm (JT-CAP-PK1) is designed for Agilent 7890 / 6890 / 5890 model GCs.


What’s next?

Looking for another answer on the Jetanizer system or gas chromatography?

Need help navigating which Jetanizer is best for your GC system configuration?

We’re ready to get you the information you need. Contact us today.

If you are ready to try the Jetanizer in your lab, head over to the Online Store to get one shipped out to you.


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