trading-in analytical instrumentation

4 Considerations When Trading-In Analytical Instrumentation

By Kris Dietrich, Vice President of Services, Quantum Analytics

Out with the old, to make room (and cash!) for new!

Before you set off on your quest to purchase new instrumentation, take a moment to look around your lab. Are there analytical instruments that collect dust? Or are some systems so old, no one currently on staff knows how to use it?

Getting rid of old or unused lab equipment from your lab benches and making room for the new instruments is a fantastic way to increase lab efficiency and cleanliness.

Here are a few best practices for clearing out your lab of unused equipment by trading-in analytical instrumentation.

Take inventory

As you walk around your lab, take detailed notes and photos of the instruments you are considering removing. Companies looking to purchase your lab assets will need to know the manufacturer, model, serial number, condition, and functionality of each instrument. We always advise having a clear picture of the equipment and analytical instrumentation you are looking to trade-in.

Check out our inventory list of Quantum Certified Refurbished equipment for an example.

Donate or re-home the instruments

There are a few options available when it comes to getting rid of older instruments. You can reach out to your network and see if anyone is interested in re-homing them. Assuming that the instrument is in good working order, you can donate to an academic institution or non-profit organization.

Dispose or recycle analytical instruments

Depending on the county you are in, disposing or recycling older analytical instruments can be tricky and expensive. Some areas offer recycling programs to responsibly dispose of lab equipment no longer in use. Depending on the type of instrument, some might need to go through a certification process to ensure harmful solvents or chemicals are removed before they can be picked up.

Trading-in analytical instrumentation for cash or credit

When it comes to trading-in analytical instrumentation, you should also consider turning those unused instruments into cash or credit to help offset the purchase of newer instrumentation. There are several businesses that offer to purchase older analytical instrumentation for the purpose of reselling them to another lab. Some of these companies will offer to purchase your assets outright or sell them on consignment. There are obvious pros and cons to each scenario, and care should be taken to deal with a company with a solid reputation.

Quantum Analytics Buyback Program makes trading-in analytical instrumentation easy

Quantum Analytics Buyback Program helps turn your unused or older generation analytical instrumentation into cash or credit. Simply let us know what you have, and whether you are looking to trade in, and the timing of the buyback. Once our team reviews the information you provide, we will provide an offer for you to review. The offer will either be ‘as is’ or based upon system condition and functionality.

Upon acceptance of the offer and buyback terms, the instruments are shipped to our Service Center where our team checks out the assets. If the systems are consistent with the information provided, the buyback is completed via wire transfer or trade-in credit.

Unlocking the value from older systems is easier than ever. Click here to learn more about our Buyback Program.

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4 Considerations When Trading-In Analytical Instrumentation

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