A Quantum Analytics White Paper Resource

Characterizing Microplastics in Air Using Pyrolysis

indoor air quality

Characterizing microplastics in air is a growing field of research. As the use of plastics increases, so does the presence of microplastics in the environment. These tiny particles are less than 5 mm in diameter and can pollute a variety of environmental compartments, including the air we breathe. Microplastics travel long distances when carried by the wind and are present in the home, as well as in the workplace. For this reason, screening for microplastics has become a pressing issue.

While the scientific community has developed several analytical methods for the identification and quantitation of these pollutants, many of these methods struggle to quantitate microplastics in complex matrices, require complex sample preparation steps, and are not amenable to automation. This paper introduces a novel analytical system configuration with simple and easy-to-follow workflows for characterizing microplastics in air. The system uses the micro-furnace pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (pyrolysis-GC/MS), a powerful analytical technique, in combination with cryogenic milling and specialized software.

With the workflows described, scientists will be able to accurately identify and measure microplastics in shorter timeframes and with simpler sample preparation protocols compared to other available methods.

Instrumentation and products discussed in white paper:

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Characterizing Microplastics in Air Using Pyrolysis

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