Technical services to maximize your success

From the first application consultation to the installation sign-off, we take pride in our ability to understand your application challenges and build a cohesive plan for success.

Application Consultations

From the first application consultation to the installation sign-off, we take pride in our ability to understand your application challenges and build a cohesive plan for success.

Training Programs

Ensure your team has the right skills to operate and maintain analytical instrumentation with confidence. We offer training programs that can be tailored to your team’s skill-level and technical requirements. No matter what your training needs are, we have you covered.

Feasibility Studies

Scientific evidence is necessary to ensure our technical solution is analytically fit for purpose. Our applications team will run client samples on a pre-configured system and provide a report to show the results of the study.

Site development

Ensure your lab or process is ready for installation to avoid delays or unnecessary expenditures. Our experts will evaluate the installation location to ensure all aspects of the installation and operation of our technical solution is managed and accounted for. 

Multi-vendor integration

The best solutions often require integrating instruments from different vendors.
We will coordinate and execute multi-vendor installation. Being manufacturer-trained on complimentary techniques allows us to install everything together and deliver a complete solution.


We can connect our clients to competitive financing programs, through our partner Bold View Capital. 

For information on instrument financing and how it works, please visit their website.

Product support

Don’t let support and instrument uptime be an afterthought.

Let the Quantum Analytics service team protect your investment, and ensure you continue to realize value for many years to come.

Our service team strives to deliver first-class service – starting from your first interaction and for every engagement after.

Contact our support team

Call Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CST

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Technical Services

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