
Agilent 7850 ICP-MS

The Agilent 7850 ICP-MS instrument can handle samples with up to 25% solids, reducing the dilution time trap.

The Agilent 7850 ICP-MS instrument features a Helium mode collision cell and half-mass correction that remove both polyatomic and doubly charged ion interferences, making method development simpler and addressing a common cause of time-wasting sample re-measurement. Free your ICP-MS analysis from common time traps with the Agilent 7850 ICP-MS. It’s the smart way to reduce wasted time so busy staff can focus on tasks that deliver value.​ The 7850 ICP-MS instrument can handle samples with up to 25% solids, reducing the dilution time trap. The instrument features a helium mode collision cell and half mass correction that remove both polyatomic and doubly charged ion interferences, making method development simpler and addressing a common cause of time-wasting sample re-measurement. The 7850’s Ultra High Matrix Introduction system uses an argon stream to dilute samples. Samples with matrix levels up to 25% TDS can be measured without time-consuming and error-prone manual dilutions.

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agilent 7850 icp-ms

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  • Standard operating procedures and fully developed methods for regulated and routine methods
  • Ultra High Matrix Introduction (UHMI) reduces sample preparation time
  • Helium collision cell and half-mass correction remove troublesome polyatomic and doubly-charged interferences
  • Measure high matrix samples without having to matrix-match calibration standards
  • Identify unusual sample matrices using IntelliQuant and get a complete elemental profile of each sample
  • Outlier Conditional Formatting (OCF) reduces data review times for busy or inexperienced ICP-MS operators
  • Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) uses sensors and counters to determine when maintenance is needed
  • Method-specific analyzer packages containing ICP-MS hardware, software, consumables, and documentation
  • Part of Agilent’s best-in-class line-up of ICP-MS instruments: Agilent 7850 ICP-MS, Agilent 7900 ICP-MS, and Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
agilent 7850 icp-ms

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Agilent 7850 ICP-MS

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Agilent 7850 ICP-MS

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